what spam email and how to identify spam email?

There was a time when the power of email was spam. Fooled many people were taken from a variety of important information. The e-mail service providers have started to forget some of the great spam filter spam email.

Any mail sent to Nigerian banker, that his name was in the millions of dollars he wants to give, or to any foreign visitors to send her secret machinations to dodge so many types of people taking refuge in spam e-mail inbox used.

Many of these fall into the trap did not understand. No one survived, one was damaged.

Now the day has changed, spam does not come so easily as before. Now comes the novel method of spam

Now you won the lottery spam that comes to Amnesty International, it belongs to the head of your name, gender, country and asked for phone numbers. Microsoft has been selected for the job you have, the necessary documents to them by email. Besides Facebook, Twitter and e-mail copies of the exact number of tries to customize phishing.

The reader must understand by now that I dispose of e-mail is spam. Some spam e-mail to the ignition also has to be recognized. Let's try to find out in detail how it will identify spam e-mail ...

Offer something unusual -unusual for most of the spam e-mail with the offer. Someone may have told you that this year, Pepsi is $ 1 million on a lottery lucky 10 people. And also one of the ten.

What? It seems very normal to hear? It is not at all normal.

So anything that does not work for Pepsi-I will give you $ 1 million, with some without. If you will understand that they are straight in the eyes of some of these spam e-mail.

No one Nigerian doctor wants to make his business partner, erajanye you should give him some of the important private information. He will make you free his business partner. If the e-mail must be delighted mind would voluntarily? But to a businessman without any qualifications, without having to invest money to make you a partner?

Even if one's own country! Far from Nigeria !! This type of spam e-mail with the name of any country may come.
Please get in these little-makers in the head, then realizes that they are deceiving

Any e-mail with the name of the company

- a large company or government may come as a spam e-mail. Joe does not have any understanding that aligns the mail in such a way that it is spam spammer. If no e-mail will see this kind of e-mail addresses, where they can understand the trouble.

Mail @ If the first part of the company or the government of any keyword, and is part of the common domain or custom domain email service prodaidarera.

Gmail, Yahoo or any other hosted mail domain from the general course of the government or a company you do not e-mail. If you need to read on their own e-mail addresses with the domain will be.

Facebook is telling you to change your password

- is to change the password to Facebook, or Facebook says that the money will begin in the next few days. However, if you click on the link provided in the mail log into Facebook, then you can run without any cost.

This is the whole fake mail. Never take this kind of action is not in the mail.

Facebook says you have to change the password of any e-mail , then mail in any case there is no need to log in by clicking the link given. Facebook dot com went directly from there to change.

Unusual spelling errors

- in most cases, spam renditions can be seen on the spelling error. Mail without any additional spelling mistakes can assume that it is a spam e-mail.

However, a friend of his, maybe you just learn to type on the computer outright blatant spelling mistakes you may e-mail. If you're confused, then you can take your friend's phone, make sure that the mail is sent.


- If you are unrecognizable as spam mail, including attachments from anyone you can catch. With this kind of virus attachment with the spam e-mail is sent. Why does not mail sent to the truth no matter how arid do not need to open the attachment.

Still unable to satisfy his own interest, then please open the attachment will be ready very soon to be infected by the virus. The canal would like to bring down the crocodile.

How to recognize spam in ways that were beyond even more spam can come in many ways. However, if you use Gmail or Yahoo e-mail can be sure a lot of this mail will go directly to your spam folder. Because mail service providers are strong enough. Their system is intelligent enough. China is still a good idea. If for any reason, ever spam email in your inbox, then it moves to be able to survive.

Stay free from spam, too, refrain from spamming.